速報APP / 遊戲 / Tap It Fast!

Tap It Fast!





版本需求:Android 3.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:36, Attard, Malta.

Tap It Fast!(圖1)-速報App

Tap It Fast! is an addictive game that will keep you busy for hours, whether you are on a plane, a train, or any anywhere.

Tap It Fast!(圖2)-速報App

** Tap on the black circles to increase your points. **

Tap It Fast!(圖3)-速報App

Challenge your friends and family to beat your score, and become the king of Tap It Fast!

Tap It Fast!(圖4)-速報App

Test your reflexes by tapping as fast as possible before time runs out.

Tap It Fast!(圖5)-速報App

All images are copyright of Danthe Theuma, Daniel Theuma, and ArpaMT: http://theumad.deviantart.com/art/Legal-Document-Copyright-Protection-523728649

Tap It Fast!(圖6)-速報App

Tap It Fast!(圖7)-速報App

Tap It Fast!(圖8)-速報App

Tap It Fast!(圖9)-速報App